Debbi Lynn Debbi Lynn

How I Bartered For A Meeting With Gary Vee

The incredible story of how Founder & CEO, John Porter, bartered his way to an EPIC meeting with Gary Vee, a huge social media influencer and told live at a business conference in Calgary, Alberta in 2023 for the first time LIVE. This was AMAZING!

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Debbi Lynn Debbi Lynn

Fish For Honey: A Barter That Worked

🐝🎣 This barter deal worked because of the ‘COINCIDENCE OF WANTS’, which means that it just so happened that both guys wanted what each other had. John wanted honey and Hans wanted fish.

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Debbi Lynn Debbi Lynn

Tips When Selling

Tips for getting the most out of offering up and selling your products and services on the web-app.

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Debbi Lynn Debbi Lynn

Tips When Buying

Great tips to not only help you barter, but to give you a great experience while doing it.

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