Got questions?

Get answers here.


  • You get:

    1) Unlimited barter deals i: there is no limit on how many barter transactions you can do - the sky's the limit.

    2) Unlimited offers i: offer as many products and services as you want onto the platform - the more, the better!

    3) Unlimited chat i: the chat feature is where you can find other members, message them, set up barter deals, get to know each other, figure out where you’ll meet for lunch - ultimately use this feature to find your people and build your tribe.

    4) Invite-A-Friend BITS™ Rewards i: invite a friend to become a member and BOTH of you will each win BITS™ as a reward.

    5) Unlimited BITS™ Gifts i: send unlimited BITS™ to friends and family as a gift, instead of typical gift cards, for any occasion.

    6) Unlimited access to Groups (coming soon!) i: Groups will be added to the app quickly after we launch. Like to run? Join a running group. Like to garden? There will be a gardening group. This will be another way to build your community of like-minded friends.

    7) Access to a robust Business Directory so you can easily look up any business on the platform.

    8) Cancel Anytime

    For more details go here.

  • NO! We fundamentally, and we mean FUNDAMENTALLY, believe in your privacy and freedom, so you can set up your public-facing profile however you like. If you want to put your real name on your public profile, that’s fine, but you can also create a username like ‘hockeymom’ or ‘fishfanatic’ or ‘jennylovesdogs’...we don’t care.

    So when you send 50 BITS™ to a guy named Bob for mowing your lawn (just work with us here - pretend for now that some guy named Bob mows your lawn!), all Bob will see is that ‘hockeymom’ (for example) sent him 50 BITS™. You don’t even have to say it was for lawn-mowing. We don’t care. If, however, you want to know in the future that you sent Bob 50 BITS™ for mowing your lawn, you might want to put ‘lawn-mowing services’ in the description when you’re sending the BITS™ to Bob’s wallet.

    For more details go here.

  • No. You can simply use an email address and nothing has to be connected to any search engine or social media platform. Some people prefer to link to their Google accounts for ease of login, but many don’t want to because they don’t want their account tied to any external platform. It’s simply about personal preference and comfort levels.

    For more details go here.

  • BITS™ are simply points that you use to ‘pay’ for items or services you want. They are sent from person to person from an electronic ‘wallet’ on the web app. BITS™ are a short form of ‘Barter Its’ 😀. Have you ever used Canadian Tire ‘money’? It’s the same idea.

    To keep it simple: the movement of BITS™ will work much like an e transfer. If Bob cuts your lawn and tells you it will cost 50 BITS™, you will simply send 50 BITS™ from your wallet to Bob’s wallet. Both of you will receive confirmation that the BITS™ moved from your wallet to Bob’s and you go on with your day. It’s that simple.

    NOTE: you don’t even have to put anything in the description if you don’t want to just like when you send an e-transfer you may often choose to not put a comment about what it’s for. If you want to say ‘lawn mowing services’, that’s great, but you don’t have to.

    For more details go here.

  • 1 BIT™ is equal to 1 Canadian dollar for valuation purposes.

    Whatever a loaf of bread is generally worth at the store down the road, that’s what the value should be in BITS™. This makes it a very straightforward way to barter with others. If a person provides dog-walking services for regular fiat money and they charge $20 CAD, then it would also be 20 BITS™ when they offer dog-walking on the app.

    For more details go here.

  • The web-app is set up as a point system. The points are called BITS™. This is how everyone can barter with each other and not worry about who owes what. There is no money used on the web-app to ‘purchase’ any product, service etc., just BITS™! So the longer answer to your short question is ‘Pay with BITS™!’

    DISCLAIMER: Cars/trucks/vehicles have an option to mix cash with BITS™, depending on the price of the vehicles. But the point of the web-app is to barter with each other using BITS™, which is also why members cannot ‘cash’ out their points. They need to be spent on the web-app.

    How do you get BITS™? (see previous question)....but here’s the quick answer:

    The easiest way to get BITS™, especially in the beginning, will be to buy them with CAD. We will be offering promotions as we get closer to the launch date where members will be able to buy BITS™ at a discounted price to get the community started.

    The main way that you will get BITS™ in your wallet as time goes on is by offering your products, services and rentals onto the platform and earning BITS™ back.

    For more details go here.

  • If you see something you like, simply start a chat with the seller.

    You can find the chat button in the Offer you are looking at or on the navigation bar on the screen.

    A good place to start is ‘Hey! I see you’re offering _________. (whatever it is)’

    Then ask the questions you need answered.

    Remember, you don’t have to barter directly with anyone. You simply offer BITS™. Of course if you both love what each other is offering, direct barter all you want.

    What is an offer?

    An offer is whatever product, service, vehicle or vacation rental a person is offering/wanting to barter on the web-app. If you like to walk dogs, you create an offer, set your price in BITS™, and post your offer on your profile and wait for the magic to happen!

    How do I pay?

    The web-app is set up as a point system. The points are called BITS™. This is how everyone can barter with each other and not worry about who owes what. There is no money used on the web-app to ‘purchase’ any product, service etc., just BITS™! So the longer answer to your short question is ‘Pay with BITS™!’

    DISCLAIMER: Cars/trucks/vehicles have an option to mix cash with BITS™, depending on the price of the vehicles. But the point of the web-app is to barter with each other using BITS™, which is also why members cannot ‘cash’ out their points. They need to be spent on the web-app.

    How do you get BITS™? ... here’s the quick answer:

    The easiest way to get BITS™, especially in the beginning, will be to buy them with CAD. We will be offering promotions as we get closer to the launch date where members will be able to buy BITS™ at a discounted price to get the community started.

    The main way that you will get BITS™ in your wallet as time goes on is by offering your products, services and rentals onto the platform and earning BITS™ back.

    For more details go here.

  • This web app is a mash-up of Kijiji, e transfer (without using money) and Facebook/Instagram/Telegram/WhatsApp or any other social network. There’s nothing else like it on the market.

    What do we mean?

    How it’s like Kijiji: On the web app you will be able to offer up products or services that you want to sell onto the platform, just like you do on Kijiji or Marketplace and you will be able to look for products or services that you want as you can barter ‘til the cows come home…but it gets better…

    How it’s like E transfer: Instead of using cash/money, you will use BITS™ points to get whatever products or services you want off the platform - NO MONEY NEEDED…. and it gets better…

    How it’s like Facebook/Telegram/WhatsApp: You will be able to find people near you to barter with AND to message/connect with. You can find your peeps in your own town! The chat feature is right in the app so you can meet people, message them, barter with them, set up meet-ups, organize a potluck, go for a run or do whatever you want! The purpose of the chat feature is to do all the above plus eventually give you access to our new feature called Groups (COMING SOON AFTER LAUNCH) where you will be able to connect with like-minded people. Like to run? Join a running group. Like to grow a garden? Join a gardening group…Like your freedom? Join a freedom group….you get the idea.

    This is way more than an app; it’s meant to help you find your tribe, offer what you have, get what you need, and basically build the community you’ve always wanted but can’t seem to find right now, all while using BITS™ instead of money.

    For more details go here.

  • Yes. Barter It™ is available for regular, everyday people and businesses, which is why you will be able to set up two different types of accounts if you want. There is a personal account or a business account. Business offers (products or services that are offered on the app to barter) will look a bit different than personal offers, so that people know they are using their BITS™ with a business vs a person.

    We also heavily encourage every member to do as much business as possible with the businesses that are here on the platform. Even if a business only has some of their products and services listed for barter with BITS™, they often have many other options in the cash market, so if something they sell isn’t offered on BITS™, we encourage everyone to go shop with them anyway, using cash. This is important to support like-minded business owners as much as possible. That’s what community is all about!

    An easy way to find businesses on the web-app is to go to the main drop-down menu in your profile, and click on ‘Explore Businesses’. Another way to do it is to use the filters in the search on the left side of the screen and click on Businesses as a filter and it will only display businesses that are on the platform.

    For more details go here.

  • We set up the system so that the seller processes the barter transaction every time just to keep things simple.

    However, if you want to simply send BITS™ to someone, just go to ‘My Wallet’ on your profile and click on ‘Send Gift’.

    Then follow the instructions from there. It will have all the same look and feel as an e-transfer. And there you go!

    Need more answers? Go to the search bar at the top and type in your question.

    For more details go here.

  • Every business on the system will have a tag on it, showing that they are listed as a business. You can find businesses 2 ways:

    1) The Map - we created a map where every business is tagged, so you can see every business across Canada, and click on whichever one you want, in whichever city you want!

    2) Regular Search Option by clicking on ‘Explore Businesses’ in the menu - you can do a regular search for products, services, and vacation rentals that you want and you simply filter your search to just businesses.

    For more details go here.

  • To keep it simple, the movement of BITS™ will work much like an e-transfer. If Bob cuts your lawn and tells you it will cost 50 BITS™, you will simply send 50 BITS™ from your wallet on the app to Bob’s wallet. Both of you will receive confirmation that the BITS™ moved from your wallet to Bob’s and you will move on with your day. It’s that simple.

    Important to know: the SELLER in all barter deals is the one who processes the transaction and then the BUYER can accept or refuse the transaction. Once both parties agree with the deal, then it will be confirmed by the BUYER and you’re done!

    NOTE: you don’t even have to put anything in the description of the transaction if you don’t want to. Just like when you send an e transfer you may often choose to not put a comment about what the 50 is for. If you want to say ‘lawn mowing services’, that’s great, but you don’t have to.

    For more details, go here.

  • An offer is whatever product, service, vehicle or vacation rental a person is offering/wanting to barter on the web-app. If you like to walk dogs, you create an offer, set your price in BITS™, (remember 1 BIT™ equals 1 Canadian dollar for valuation purposes - so whatever you would sell it for in cash, that’s the price with BITS™) and post your offer on your profile and wait for the magic to happen!

    For more details go here.

  • A BITS™ wallet is simply an electronic ‘wallet’ on the web-app that you use to store your BITS™ points. You can access the wallet at any time when you are logged onto your Barter It™ account.

    For more details, go here.

  • A Personal Account is for anyone who wants to barter as a person. A Business Account is for anyone who wants to barter their products and services that they also sell through their business.

    Note: You may open multiple accounts on the web-app by simply setting up separate accounts, each with their own unique email address.

    Want an account where you post personal items like a couch or extra vegetables from your garden? Set up a personal account.

    Have a business too? Go back and also set up a business account and offer products and services from your business that way. So now you have two separate accounts - one is personal and one is business offers, each with their own offers and their own BITS™ electronic wallets..

    Don’t care if all your offers and BITS™ points are together from your business and personal stuff? Just open one personal account and put all your offers through that one account/wallet. It’s all up to you.

    Click here to see a video that explains the two different accounts.

  • 1 BIT™ is equal to 1 Canadian dollar for valuation purposes.

    There are 2 ways to get BITS™:

    1) Load BITS™ into your wallet by buying them with regular money. Many times we offer awesome discounts so you can often buy BITS™ up to 50% off.

    2) Offer up products or services onto the platform and earn BITS™, which is the main way everyone will earn points. After all, that’s how your community will grow…when you barter with each other.

    For more details go here.

  • 1 BIT™ is equal to 1 Canadian dollar for valuation purposes.

    There are 2 ways to get BITS™:

    1) Load BITS™ into your wallet by buying them with regular money. Many times we offer awesome discounts so you can often buy BITS™ up to 50% off.

    2) Offer up products or services onto the platform and earn BITS™, which is the main way everyone will earn points. After all, that’s how your community will grow…when you barter with each other.

    For more details go here.

  • You can quickly and easily load up your BITS™ wallet by purchasing BITS™ with Canadian dollars.

    For a quick detailed video go here.

  • The purpose of this amazing community is to build a barter system across the country, so members will not be able to convert BITS™ to Canadian dollars.

    Otherwise, it defeats the purpose of building the system in the first place, as we can all agree!

    The more we invest in this tribe, the faster it will grow, and the more stuff and services you will be able access!

    For more details, go here.

  • BITS™ Gifts are electronic ‘gift cards’ you can send to anyone you want. You simply load up the card with however many BITS™ points you want, plug in the email and information you want, press ‘Send’ and your friend will receive a notification via email that they got a gift from you!

    Just like you send an e-transfer to a friend for their birthday, or a special occasion, you can do the same with BITS™.

    We know what you’re going to ask! Yes, you can even send them to friends or family who aren’t on the web-app.

    For more details, go here.

  • Sometimes you might find something you like but don't feel like buying it right away.

    People have many reasons for doing this - Wanna look at other options? Want to see if the price changes? Need to talk to your significant other because you really want to go to that vacation rental in Mexico? That's where ‘Favourites’ come in!

    Tap the heart icon on the offer you like to add to your ‘Favourites’.

    Once you've ‘favourited’ (cool word, eh?) an item, you’ll be able to find it right away once you’re ready.

    You can see all your favourited items by clicking on your Profile Icon > Favourites.

  • It’s simple! No matter where you are - whether on desktop, tablet or mobile devices, you will always be able to see a magnifying glass icon somewhere on the screen. Just tap on that and away you go! You will then be able to type in any key word you want to narrow down your search..

    For more details, go here.

  • When you are searching for anything, the ‘Sort & Filter’ bar will float on the screen for easy acces.

    Tap on that button and it will give you a list of filters you can choose from! Have fun!

    For more details, go here.

  • The buyer will need to cover the shipping costs. You will work this out with the person you are bartering with.

    Shipping costs will most likely always be in cash, because the seller will have to pay a company to ship a product to you.

    The best option, if possible, is to meet up in person so that you see each other face-to-face and build your tribe! It’s amazing what other barter deals happen when people get together!

    For more details, go here.

  • Use the chat feature on the web-app to do all of your barter deals. Then when you become best friends maybe you’ll end up texting each other!

    For more details, go here.

  • If you are on your cell phone simply press on the comment you want to delete and your options will pop up - copy, reply, edit, delete. Just choose ‘delete’ and follow the instructions.

    If you are on a desktop, click on the 3 dots beside the comment you want to delete and follow the prompts.

    For more details, go here.

  • Group chat, or chat with multiple members at a time, is a cool feature we just had to add to the web-app! It’s amazing! Have 2 people you want to chat with at the same time? Want to plan a BBQ with a bunch of other members in your own city? Use the chat!

    Use the chat feature for doing all your barter deals, for setting up dates, BBQs, meet-ups, and everything else.

    For more details, go here.

  • Ratings and reviews are crucial to keep the system clean, and to make sure everyone ‘plays nicely in the sandbox’. It’s the only way to help people work with each other, respect each other and if a member consistently is kind and looks after others, they receive more barter deals! If, however, a member consistently chooses to frustrate others, not deliver, etc, they will get fewer barter deals.

    For more details, go here.

  • No. If you receive a not-so-great review, take it seriously because reviews are the only way to make sure the community works well and it helps people determine who they want to barter with.

    If you quickly respond to a not-great review, your comment is public and it demonstrates to other members that you like to resolve issues quickly and are great to work with.

    For more details, go here.

  • The app will operate much like e-transfer where once both members, the buyer and the seller, agree to the refund amount, the BITS™ can be sent back to the original buyer. So in this case, the seller, who originally received the BITS™, simply sends the BITS™ back to the original buyer. This is a matter that will be resolved by the two parties involved in the original transaction.

    For more details, go here.

  • Absolutely! Have at it! Direct barter is the best way to barter because that means that both you and the person you are bartering with each have what the other person wants at the same time and at the same value. That’s almost like winning the lottery. But for all those other times that you want lawn mowing services from Bob, but he doesn’t want your eggs (for example), just send Bob some BITS™ and call it a day. Now you don’t have to worry about who owes what. Bob will now be able to use those BITS™ to get something else like a new shirt, or piano lessons for his kid, or save up BITS™ and get a watch he likes…the possibilities for Bob (and you) are endless.

  • On the home screen you will see a button that says ‘Create Offer’. Simply click that button and follow the step-by-step instructions. Make sure you create an interesting Title so people want to look at your ad/offer, make the pricing reasonable and competitive so people want to do barter deals with you and post really nice images or videos that are nice to look at so you build trust, people are attracted to what you offer and you get repeat barter deals out of it. Have fun!

    For more details, go here.

  • Go to the offer you want to delete and click on Edit and scroll ‘Delete’ and follow the prompts. It’s simply a matter of poking around the web-app and familiarizing yourself with it and before you know it, you’ll be a pro!

    If you only want to Hide your offer, simply go to the offer you want to hide, scroll to ‘Pause’ at the bottom of the offer and it will will remove the offer from the public, but it will be all ready for you to post it again at a later date. All the details will be held for you.

    For more details, go here.

  • 1) Change up the title and description so it’s more interesting, with catchy words etc.

    2) Offer a deal if the product or service has been sitting live in your offers and you aren’t getting enough bites - mix it up, make it more attractive, get creative, put ‘REDUCED’ in the title or ‘SALE’.

    3) Get chatting with other members in your region, the local peeps around you and start talking about what you do, be active in the chat and join or create groups in the chat so you’re interacting with people who might want what you have.

    4) In phase 2 of development we will be offering Premium Listings and other ways for people to pin their offers to the top of searches - coming soon! In the meantime, being active on the app and following the suggestions above will increase your chances of more people hearing about you.

    For more details, go here.

  • 1) Change up the title and description so it’s more interesting, with catchy words that you know YOU would look at if you were scrolling through ads. What would you want to see? Write that.

    2) Offer a deal if the product or service has been sitting live in your offers and you aren’t getting enough bites - mix it up, make it more attractive, get creative, put ‘REDUCED’ in the title or ‘SALE’.

    3) Get chatting with other members in your region, the local peeps around you and start talking about what you do, be active in the chat and join or create groups in the chat so you’re interacting with people who might want what you have.

    For more details, go here.

  • 1) Change up the title and description on your offer/offers so it/they are more interesting, with catchy words that you know YOU would look at if you were scrolling through ads. What would you want to see? Write that.

    2) Offer a deal if the product or service has been sitting live in your offers and you aren’t getting enough bites - mix it up, make it more attractive, get creative, put ‘REDUCED’ in the title or ‘SALE’.

    3) Get chatting with other members in your region, the local peeps around you and start talking about what you do, be active in the chat and join or create groups in the chat so you’re interacting with people who might want what you have.

    4) In phase 2 of development we will be creating Premium Offers where you can pin your ad/offer to the top of a search and do Urgent Ads. Coming soon! In the meantime, follow the ideas above and you’ll be gold!

    For more details, go here.

  • As many as you want! The more barter deals you do, the better!

    Obviously, if you have so many offers on your account that you can’t keep track of them and you’re having a difficult time returning messages and connecting with buyers, you might want to slow down! :)

  • Simply go to your offer that you want to edit and click on the ‘Edit’ button and follow the prompts. It’s that simple. Sometimes it’s worth taking the time to just poke around the web-app and familiarize yourself with it. It won’t be long before you’re a pro! If you find it’s hard to figure something out please give us feedback because we want to make it easy to use and we need your input to make this the best product possible. ;)

    For more details, go here.

  • When you are creating your offer, you will be prompted to add photos or videos - up to 25 - to your offer. A pop up will give you a list of options - to upload from your camera, photo library, etc. and just pick what you and they will be added to the offer. You can drag the photos and videos around to pick which one you want to be the feature photo/video and put them in any order you want.

    For more details, go here.

  • Find the offer you want to delete and press Edit and follow the prompts to delete. OR maybe you don’t want to delete the offer because you may want to activate it and make it live at some point in the future, so you can hide or pause your offer. Click the option to pause the offer and it will move to ‘My Paused Offers’. There are 3 options -Active, Drafts and Paused Offers. You can organize your offers so that they aren’t lost forever and can be accessed at a later date.

    For more details go here.

  • The purpose of this platform is for members to get in the habit of bartering as much as possible, so the basic answer is ‘no’.

    However, when it comes to cars and vehicles, there is an option in the listing/offer to put a cash amount along with a BITS™ amount - so you can ask for a cash/barter blend for a vehicle, mainly because they are pricier items.

    Ultimately, it comes down to whatever deal you and another member want to make. But again, the more you use the platform the way it’s intended, the better it is for everyone.

  • Stop! Don’t run out and spend your hard-earned regular money with businesses you don’t align with. Support your freedom-loving family!

    Just go to the menu and click ‘Explore
    Businesses’ and it’ll take to you a map where you can find every businesi that is on the platform.

    OR simply do a regular search for what you’re looking for and filter by ‘BUSINESSES’. Then set the filter for your area, your province or even Canada-wide. Now you can instantly connect with incredible business owners and shop, shop, shop!

    They need our support. Small businesses are the backbone of our country and we all need to do whatever it takes to build each other up in this amazing community.

    For more details, go here.

  • For now, to keep tabs on another member, and what they’re offering, simply add their offers to your ‘Favourites’.

    In phase 2 of the web-app, we will be making it possible for members to follow actual profiles they are interested in.

    For more details, go here.

  • We love you all and you can imagine that we expect all members to follow and abide by our Community Code of Conduct (hyperlink to a code of conduct we have - see code of conduct earlier in this document) at all times. We encourage everyone to resolve disagreements through dialogue in a respectful and courteous manner, because we are all adults! 🙂

    Always remember the web-app has real-time ratings and reviews. Sellers rate buyers and buyers rate sellers. Poor reviews either way can affect whether other members will want to barter with you in the future or not.

    We have been raised in a society that relies on ‘daddy’ government and ‘daddy’ police to resolve conflict and very few people find that absurd, yet it is! It created the chaos that we have been witnessing for many years.

    Real adults do not rely on others to resolve disagreements. They hike up their big boy pants and big girl pants and work things out! That’s what this community is about.

    If you’re a bit confused as to some guidelines that will bring about a resolution, maybe this will help:


    Sellers have the right to refuse unreasonable demands and not respond to rude or abusive messages. Please inform us about members who make unreasonable demands or behave inappropriately by giving a disapproval or reporting them. Sellers should provide clear photos and descriptions of the items they are selling.

    Sellers can refuse requests for refunds due to a change of heart or misreading a product description, except in specific circumstances.

    Sellers must offer refunds if:

    The seller cancels the deal after receiving payment.

    The item is not delivered or given to the buyer.

    The item is not given/delivered to the buyer within 24 hours of the agreed time (direct meet-up or postage).

    The actual item has discrepancies from the description in the post.

    The seller receives payment without giving the item to the buyer and the buyer cancels the deal.

    The item is faulty/damaged without stating this in the item description.

    The item is damaged or lost during delivery.


    Buyers, like sellers, can refuse unreasonable demands and not respond to rude or abusive messages.

    Please let us know about members who make unreasonable demands or behave inappropriately by giving a disapproval or reporting them. Buyers can request a refund in the circumstances stated above.

    Buyers should only start a chat with a seller if they have a genuine interest in buying. Canceling a deal is inconvenient for both buyers and sellers.

    Barter It™ Management’s Role

    Barter It™ does not play the role of your mommy or daddy! Members are adults (mostly lol). The responsibility concerning deals and transactions lies with the buyers and sellers. It’s important to always go to honour in all situations.

    Members who do not try to bring about a resolution to a situation, as mentioned above, will risk bad reviews, limited future barter deals and will face potential suspension and limited access. Inappropriate behavior or language will result in suspension.

    For more details, go here.

  • Barter It™ is a unique and special community. We believe that everyone needs to care for each other, lift each other up and act like real adults in a world that does not foster healthy conflict resolution, mutual respect and love for one another. Our passion is to build a tribe of people who love freedom, who take responsibility for themselves and their actions, and who want to pass these incredible values onto the next generation. We are also passionate about free speech and freedom of expression.

    So here’s some healthy, kind, adult things to do!

    Respect each other. If you’re nice to someone, they’ll most likely be nice to you.

    Be kind and courteous. Treat others how you would like to be treated. The ‘Golden Rule’....

    Be responsive. If you're not interested in bartering anymore, let the other person know.

    Be punctual. If you set up a time to meet with someone, make sure to be on time.

    Keep the other person updated. Think you’re going to be a little late or something’s come up? Let them know.

    Chat with other members during the day and avoid messaging late at night or early in the morning. No 10pm texting!

    Try to meet up in person instead of relying on delivery. Why? This one is important for meeting people face-to-face and finding your peeps in your own towns and cities! Make it a big deal!

    When Buying

    Only make an offer to a Seller if you have a genuine interest in bartering with them.

    Before asking questions to the Seller, make sure to read the item description. We all hate the fire hose of questions that people ask when if they had slowed down and read everything, they would have all the answers!

    Be reasonable with your requests..

    When organizing a ‘meet-up’, try to meet closer to the Seller.

    When Selling

    Upload photos you’ve personally taken.

    Make sure the photos and words you use are kind to others and they do not exploit others by showing inappropriate parts of the body or talking about sexually inappropriate acts or parts of the body, especially pertaining to children and minors. Images or words showing or talking about drug use are not appropriate.

    Write clear and accurate product descriptions in simple English.

    Make sure your item is clean before passing it on. Yuck. You’d think this was self-explanatory but hey….

    If you agree to sell an item to another member, try to deactivate or archive your offer/listing quickly, unless of course you have multiple items and have more to sell.

    Even if you get more inquiries to buy an item, sell the item to the buyer who was the first to reserve it.

    Keep the pricing on your products and services fair. No silly price-gouging and other frustrating antics. Remember, you want a fair deal and good pricing when you buy! It all goes back to the ‘Golden Rule’ your grandma drilled into you.

    Disabled Offers (when Barter It™ Admin Team disables member offers):

    There may be a variety of reasons why an offer is disabled. This may include violations of the Community Code of Conduct as outlined above.

    This community upholds free speech and expression. However, there may be images, verbiage, products or services that are reported by the community that the admin has to consider to continue to create the community we all want - freedom of speech, expression, kindness, building each other up, and ultimately ‘adulting’ (taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions), and fulfilling the Golden Rule - do to others have you would have them do to you. For example, don’t like when someone assumes the worst about you? Then give others the benefit of the doubt too.

    For more details, go here.

  • If you don’t want another member to chat with you or have access to you for whatever reason, you can go to the chat and click on their name (assuming you’ve chatted before). Click on the little i to the right of their name, click on Members, click on the person’s name and then 3 dots will show beside their name. Click on the 3 dots and click BAN.

    The way the chat works is you and that person are on a chat Channel together and you can mute, ban, invite other users to join both of you, freeze the channel, leave the channel altogether. There are lots of options in the chat feature.

    For more details, go here.

  • Our community is all about protecting the rights of humanity, especially the most vulnerable, like the elderly, special needs and children. If there are products or services that exploit others, we cannot have them around hurting the community. See our Community Code of Conduct at this link below. If you see anything that exploits others and hurts others, we need to know and would love it if you could report it. There is an option on the web-app to report an offer (scroll to the bottom of the page on the app). That will help make the community better for everyone.

    For more details, go here.

  • Disabled Offers (when Barter It™ Admin Team disables member offers):

    There may be a variety of reasons why an offer is disabled. This may include violations of the Community Code of Conduct as outlined above.

    This community upholds free speech and expression. However, there may be images, verbiage, products or services that are reported by the community that the admin has to consider to continue to create the community we all want - freedom of speech, expression, kindness, building each other up, and ultimately ‘adulting’ (taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions), and fulfilling the Golden Rule - do to others have you would have them do to you. For example, don’t like when someone assumes the worst about you? Then give others the benefit of the doubt too.

    For more details, go here.

  • The responsibility concerning deals and transactions lies with the buyers and sellers. It’s important to always go to honour in all situations.

    We have been raised in a society that relies on ‘daddy’ government and ‘daddy’ police to resolve conflict and very few people find that absurd, yet it is!

    Real adults do not rely on others to resolve disagreements. They hike up their big boy or girl pants and work things out! That’s what this community is about.

    Members who do not try to bring about a resolution to a situation, as mentioned above, will risk bad reviews, limited future barter deals and will face potential suspension and limited access. Inappropriate behavior or language will result in suspension. We should not have to parent anyone. We can all do better!

    For more details, go here.

  • The simple answer is no. The only way they will know you disapprove of anything they are doing is if you leave a negative rating and/or review on their profile.

    Reporting another member is anonymous. However, the question we ask is, ‘Have you tried to resolve the issue with the other member and if you haven’t, why not?’

    We have been raised in a society that relies on ‘daddy’ government and ‘daddy’ police to resolve conflict and very few people find that absurd, yet it is! It created the chaos that we have been witnessing for many years.

    Real adults do not rely on others to resolve disagreements. They hike up their big boy pants and big girl pants and work things out! That’s what this community is about.

    For more details, go here.

  • Our Affiliate Program was established to spread the word about the web-app as we were building the software. It was a way for people to get rewarded every time they told others about us.

    Now that the web-app is up and running, our new ‘Affiliate’ program has converted to ‘Invite A Friend’. So now, every time you invite a friend to join the community both you AND your friend earn BITS™ points! So you are rewarded for bringing your peeps on and so is your friend!

  • No. A cryptocurrency is volatile, as the values fluctuate, so it’s hard to set values or prices for items. One day a loaf of bread could be 4 crypto dollars and the next day 1000. BITS™ are meant for pure utility purposes, so their values don’t fluctuate dramatically, making it simpler for a community to work with each other and get what they need and want.

    For more details, go here.

  • At this time, Barter It™ is being launched in Canada, with plans to expand to other countries once we are well established in this country first.

  • Yes, anytime. No strings attached! You simply go into your account settings and cancel the subscription.

    You will have access to the platform up to the end of the last month you paid for. Once that period of time ends, your access will end.

    But hey, who would want to leave?! :)

    You may also fire it all back up at anytime too!

  • You simply log into your account and you will be prompted to renew your membership. Just follow the simple steps to reinstate it.

    You will have access to the platform up to the end of the last month you paid for. Once that period of time ends, your access will end.

  • Many members might be skeptical about displaying their exact location. However, they want to connect with others in their own towns and cities.

    If you create a business profile on the web-app, it makes sense to show your location, especially if you already display it online.

    If you set up a personal account, you can simply add your town/city to enable others to find you but you don’t have to display your exact location. Its up to you what you are comfortable with.

    Remember though, that we are a private platform that is web-based so outside forces don’t have access to the back-end of our system.

    We take your privacy very seriously and this is why the platform was created in the first place! We are you! We are the freedom-lovers of the world so it means everything to us to protect you. :)

    For more details, go here.

  • We take your privacy very seriously and this is why the platform was created in the first place! We are you! We are the freedom-lovers of the world so it means everything to us to protect you. :)

    Our software is fully web-based so outside forces do not have access to the backend of our system. We will protect privacy at all costs because we want it for ourselves as founders.

    For more details go here.

  • We have a feature called ‘Invite A Friend’ right on the homepage of the web-app. Just click on your profile and you’ll see ‘Invite a Friend’ in the drop-down menu. Just follow the instructions and invite everyone you know.

    Why? It’s awesome because now, every time you invite a friend to join the community both you AND your friend earn BITS™ points!

    So you are rewarded for bringing your peeps on and so is your friend!

    For more details, go here.

Please contact our support team.

Still have questions?