Can a business use the app?

Yes. Barter It™ is available for regular, everyday people and businesses, which is why you will be able to set up two different types of accounts if you want. There is a personal account or a business account. Business offers (products or services that are offered on the app to barter) will look a bit different than personal offers, so that people know they are using their BITS™ with a business vs a person.

We also heavily encourage every member to do as much business as possible with the businesses that are here on the platform. Even if a business only has some of their products and services listed for barter with BITS™, they often have many other options in the cash market, so if something they sell isn’t offered on BITS™, we encourage everyone to go shop with them anyway, using cash. This is important to support like-minded business owners as much as possible. That’s what community is all about!

An easy way to find businesses on the web-app is to go to the main drop-down menu in your profile, and click on ‘Explore Businesses’. Another way to do it is to use the filters in the search on the left side of the screen and click on Businesses as a filter and it will only display businesses that are on the platform.


How do I find a business? (Business Directory - ‘Explore Businesses’)


How is Barter It™ different from Kijiji, Facebook Marketplace, or any other platform?