Can I do a direct barter with someone?

Absolutely! Have at it! Direct barter is the best way to barter because that means that both you and the person you are bartering with each have what the other person wants at the same time and at the same value. That’s almost like winning the lottery. But for all those other times that you want lawn mowing services from Bob, but he doesn’t want your eggs (for example), just send Bob some BITS™ and call it a day. Now you don’t have to worry about who owes what. Bob will now be able to use those BITS™ to get something else like a new shirt, or piano lessons for his kid, or save up BITS™ and get a watch he likes…the possibilities for Bob (and you) are endless.


How do I create an offer? How do I list products, services and rentals that I want to sell?


What happens if someone asks for a refund after a transaction?