Do I have to show my exact location?

Many members might be skeptical about displaying their exact location. However, they want to connect with others in their own towns and cities.

If you create a business profile on the web-app, it makes sense to show your location, especially if you already display it online.

If you set up a personal account, you can simply add your town/city to enable others to find you but you don’t have to display your exact location. Its up to you what you are comfortable with.

Remember though, that we are a private platform that is web-based so outside forces don’t have access to the back-end of our system.

We take your privacy very seriously and this is why the platform was created in the first place! We are you! We are the freedom-lovers of the world so it means everything to us to protect you. :)


How do I know my privacy is taken seriously?


I cancelled my subscription but want back in. How do I subscribe again?