Do I have to show my real name on my Barter It™ Profile and when I send BITS™ to another person?

NO! We fundamentally, and we mean FUNDAMENTALLY, believe in your privacy and freedom, so you can set up your public-facing profile however you like. If you want to put your real name on your public profile, that’s fine, but you can also create a username like ‘hockeymom’ or ‘fishfanatic’ or ‘jennylovesdogs’...we don’t care.

So when you send 50 BITS™ to a guy named Bob for mowing your lawn (just work with us here - pretend for now that some guy named Bob mows your lawn!), all Bob will see is that ‘hockeymom’ (for example) sent him 50 BITS™. You don’t even have to say it was for lawn-mowing. We don’t care. If, however, you want to know in the future that you sent Bob 50 BITS™ for mowing your lawn, you might want to put ‘lawn-mowing services’ in the description when you’re sending the BITS™ to Bob’s wallet.


Do I have to sign up using Google or social media platforms?


What do I get with my subscription?