How do I get more people to see my offers (the stuff I want to barter)?

1) Change up the title and description so it’s more interesting, with catchy words etc.

2) Offer a deal if the product or service has been sitting live in your offers and you aren’t getting enough bites - mix it up, make it more attractive, get creative, put ‘REDUCED’ in the title or ‘SALE’.

3) Get chatting with other members in your region, the local peeps around you and start talking about what you do, be active in the chat and join or create groups in the chat so you’re interacting with people who might want what you have.

4) In phase 2 of development we will be offering Premium Listings and other ways for people to pin their offers to the top of searches - coming soon! In the meantime, being active on the app and following the suggestions above will increase your chances of more people hearing about you.


How do I write a great description so it will catch people’s attention?


How do I delete my offers?