How do I pay for what I want?

The web-app is set up as a point system. The points are called BITS™. This is how everyone can barter with each other and not worry about who owes what. There is no money used on the web-app to ‘purchase’ any product, service etc., just BITS™! So the longer answer to your short question is ‘Pay with BITS™!’

DISCLAIMER: Cars/trucks/vehicles have an option to mix cash with BITS™, depending on the price of the vehicles. But the point of the web-app is to barter with each other using BITS™, which is also why members cannot ‘cash’ out their points. They need to be spent on the web-app.

How do you get BITS™? (see previous question)....but here’s the quick answer:

The easiest way to get BITS™, especially in the beginning, will be to buy them with CAD. We will be offering promotions as we get closer to the launch date where members will be able to buy BITS™ at a discounted price to get the community started.

The main way that you will get BITS™ in your wallet as time goes on is by offering your products, services and rentals onto the platform and earning BITS™ back.


How do I barter for something I want?


What is the value of BITS™? How do I know what a loaf of bread should be, for example?