What are BITS™?

BITS™ are simply points that you use to ‘pay’ for items or services you want. They are sent from person to person from an electronic ‘wallet’ on the web app. BITS™ are a short form of ‘Barter Its’ 😀. Have you ever used Canadian Tire ‘money’? It’s the same idea.

To keep it simple: the movement of BITS™ will work much like an e transfer. If Bob cuts your lawn and tells you it will cost 50 BITS™, you will simply send 50 BITS™ from your wallet to Bob’s wallet. Both of you will receive confirmation that the BITS™ moved from your wallet to Bob’s and you go on with your day. It’s that simple.

NOTE: you don’t even have to put anything in the description if you don’t want to just like when you send an e-transfer you may often choose to not put a comment about what it’s for. If you want to say ‘lawn mowing services’, that’s great, but you don’t have to.


What is the value of BITS™? How do I know what a loaf of bread should be, for example?


Do I have to sign up using Google or social media platforms?