Why is my offer disabled?

Disabled Offers (when Barter It™ Admin Team disables member offers):

There may be a variety of reasons why an offer is disabled. This may include violations of the Community Code of Conduct as outlined above.

This community upholds free speech and expression. However, there may be images, verbiage, products or services that are reported by the community that the admin has to consider to continue to create the community we all want - freedom of speech, expression, kindness, building each other up, and ultimately ‘adulting’ (taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions), and fulfilling the Golden Rule - do to others have you would have them do to you. For example, don’t like when someone assumes the worst about you? Then give others the benefit of the doubt too.

If an offer of yours has been disabled and you don’t understand why, you may go to ‘Feedback’ at the bottom of the page on the web-app and explain the issue. The link to the Feedback option is here.


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