Will a member know if I report them?

The simple answer is no. The only way they will know you disapprove of anything they are doing is if you leave a negative rating and/or review on their profile.

Reporting another member is anonymous. However, the question we ask is, ‘Have you tried to resolve the issue with the other member and if you haven’t, why not?’

We have been raised in a society that relies on ‘daddy’ government and ‘daddy’ police to resolve conflict and very few people find that absurd, yet it is! It created the chaos that we have been witnessing for many years.

Real adults do not rely on others to resolve disagreements. They hike up their big boy pants and big girl pants and work things out! That’s what this community is about.


What is an Affiliate? How can I get paid to tell others about Barter It™?


What if someone is rude or vulgar? How do I report them?