Now Isn’t the Time To Sit Idly By

We have all been through deep, dark times since 2020…

and many of us are still deeply grieving and processing what we went through, the fear, chaos, gaslighting from our governments and health officials who are supposed to be there for us, not forcing us to doing something against our will and literally violating our fundamental human rights.

Things like this only happen overseas, right? Well it came home to us, roosting and nested right in our very own neighbourhoods and now we need to decide what to do with the trauma we went through.

As much as you may want to, now is not the time to sit idly by and keep letting broken, even evil rulers run a broken world they created and then lied to us about virtually everything. Like everything.

Is this what we want for future generations? No. And we can do something about it.

Listen to influencer, Sarah Swain talk about it in this amazing video…


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