What are the rules for conduct?

For our Community Code of Conduct, go here.

Barter It™ is a unique and special community. We believe that everyone needs to care for each other, lift each other up and act like real adults in a world that does not foster healthy conflict resolution, mutual respect and love for one another. Our passion is to build a tribe of people who love freedom, who take responsibility for themselves and their actions, and who want to pass these incredible values onto the next generation. We are also passionate about free speech and freedom of expression.

So here’s some healthy, kind, adult things to do!

Respect each other. If you’re nice to someone, they’ll most likely be nice to you.

Be kind and courteous. Treat others how you would like to be treated. The ‘Golden Rule’....

Be responsive. If you're not interested in bartering anymore, let the other person know.

Be punctual. If you set up a time to meet with someone, make sure to be on time.

Keep the other person updated. Think you’re going to be a little late or something’s come up? Let them know.

Chat with other members during the day and avoid messaging late at night or early in the morning. No 10pm texting!

Try to meet up in person instead of relying on delivery. Why? This one is important for meeting people face-to-face and finding your peeps in your own towns and cities! Make it a big deal!

When Buying

Only make an offer to a Seller if you have a genuine interest in bartering with them.

Before asking questions to the Seller, make sure to read the item description. We all hate the fire hose of questions that people ask when if they had slowed down and read everything, they would have all the answers!

Be reasonable with your requests..

When organizing a ‘meet-up’, try to meet closer to the Seller.

When Selling

Upload photos you’ve personally taken.

Make sure the photos and words you use are kind to others and they do not exploit others by showing inappropriate parts of the body or talking about sexually inappropriate acts or parts of the body, especially pertaining to children and minors. Images or words showing or talking about drug use are not appropriate.

Write clear and accurate product descriptions in simple English.

Make sure your item is clean before passing it on. Yuck. You’d think this was self-explanatory but hey….

If you agree to sell an item to another member, try to deactivate or archive your offer/listing quickly, unless of course you have multiple items and have more to sell.

Even if you get more inquiries to buy an item, sell the item to the buyer who was the first to reserve it.

Keep the pricing on your products and services fair. No silly price-gouging and other frustrating antics. Remember, you want a fair deal and good pricing when you buy! It all goes back to the ‘Golden Rule’ your grandma drilled into you.

Disabled Offers (when Barter It™ Admin Team disables member offers):

There may be a variety of reasons why an offer is disabled. This may include violations of the Community Code of Conduct as outlined above.

This community upholds free speech and expression. However, there may be images, verbiage, products or services that are reported by the community that the admin has to consider to continue to create the community we all want - freedom of speech, expression, kindness, building each other up, and ultimately ‘adulting’ (taking responsibility for ourselves and our actions), and fulfilling the Golden Rule - do to others have you would have them do to you. For example, don’t like when someone assumes the worst about you? Then give others the benefit of the doubt too.


How do I block another member?


What is your refund policy? How do I get a refund if a deal doesn't work out?