What is your refund policy? How do I get a refund if a deal doesn't work out?

We love you all and you can imagine that we expect all members to follow and abide by our Community Code of Conduct (hyperlink to a code of conduct we have - see code of conduct earlier in this document) at all times. We encourage everyone to resolve disagreements through dialogue in a respectful and courteous manner, because we are all adults! 🙂

Always remember the web-app has real-time ratings and reviews. Sellers rate buyers and buyers rate sellers. Poor reviews either way can affect whether other members will want to barter with you in the future or not.

We have been raised in a society that relies on ‘daddy’ government and ‘daddy’ police to resolve conflict and very few people find that absurd, yet it is! It created the chaos that we have been witnessing for many years.

Real adults do not rely on others to resolve disagreements. They hike up their big boy pants and big girl pants and work things out! That’s what this community is about.

If you’re a bit confused as to some guidelines that will bring about a resolution, maybe this will help:


Sellers have the right to refuse unreasonable demands and not respond to rude or abusive messages. Please inform us about members who make unreasonable demands or behave inappropriately by giving a disapproval or reporting them. Sellers should provide clear photos and descriptions of the items they are selling.

Sellers can refuse requests for refunds due to a change of heart or misreading a product description, except in specific circumstances.

Sellers must offer refunds if:

The seller cancels the deal after receiving payment.

The item is not delivered or given to the buyer.

The item is not given/delivered to the buyer within 24 hours of the agreed time (direct meet-up or postage).

The actual item has discrepancies from the description in the post.

The seller receives payment without giving the item to the buyer and the buyer cancels the deal.

The item is faulty/damaged without stating this in the item description.

The item is damaged or lost during delivery.


Buyers, like sellers, can refuse unreasonable demands and not respond to rude or abusive messages.

Please let us know about members who make unreasonable demands or behave inappropriately by giving a disapproval or reporting them. Buyers can request a refund in the circumstances stated above.

Buyers should only start a chat with a seller if they have a genuine interest in buying. Canceling a deal is inconvenient for both buyers and sellers.

Barter It™ Management’s Role

Barter It™ does not play the role of your mommy or daddy! Members are adults (mostly lol). The responsibility concerning deals and transactions lies with the buyers and sellers. It’s important to always go to honour in all situations.

Members who do not try to bring about a resolution to a situation, as mentioned above, will risk bad reviews, limited future barter deals and will face potential suspension and limited access. Inappropriate behavior or language will result in suspension.


What are the rules for conduct?


How do I follow another member? How do I follow a seller?